Covid-19 & Covid-19 Vaccine Detox Protocols
The following is a quick outline of Covid-19 vaccine side-effects, and some treatment protocols being successfully used to reduce their severity. If you are ill, please seek the advice of an independent medical practitioner.
There are two primary issues: Covid-19 itself, and the Covid-19 'vaccines' (which have turned out not to be vaccines at all, but experimental gene therapy injections). Both of these — the infection and the suggested/enforced treatment — seem to have serious deleterious health consequences, although the 'vaccines' are statistically more dangerous than Covid-19. At the same time, there is a large overlap between symptoms of Covid-19 and symptoms of the Covid-19 vaccines, which makes it difficult to distinguish between the etiology of any set of symptoms — whether they originate from Covid-19 or the injections — except perhaps by timing. (A PCR test could, in theory, distinguish between spike proteins derived from Covid-19 and those derived from mRNA injections as the two are slightly different.) On top of this, 70% of the world's population have taken one or more of the 'vaccine' gene therapy injections, and many millions have had Covid-19 (most without serious symptoms), so the same treatment is probably appropriate for both.
This makes sense as both Covid-19 and the Covid-19 'vaccines' supposedly introduce into our bodies very similar 'spike proteins' or protein fragments: with Covid-19 infection spike protein is part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is replicated through the process of viral infection; and with the 'vaccines', a very similar spike protein is coded into the vaccine genetic material so that our cells automatically replicate the spike protein, supposedly triggering an immune response that stimulates the production of relevant antibodies in our cells. This is the official narrative of what is going on.
So if these protein fragments are toxic in any way, then their replication in our bodies either by direct infection or by our own cells through gene therapy injections is likely to cause protracted health-related problems, including systemic inflammation, blood clotting issues and a host of other side-effects, listed further down.
And with the 'vaccines', nobody seems to know whether this spike protein production by our own cells attenuates over time and, if it does, what the half-life of this attenuation is. This is important as a continual state of stimulated immunity is likely to cause systemic inflammation and autoimmune conditions, and while is may increase immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in the short term, this is at a terrible cost longer term, and is likely to be the reason for so many jab side-effects. And this is also believed to be why those 'vaccinated' against Covid-19 are now the ones more likely to get infections, including Covid-19 reinfections. Immunity has been damaged — but nobody knows exactly how, for how long, or if this is permanent.
As a general rule, the more 'vaccines' and boosters you have taken, the greater the risk of unwanted side-effects. So the first step to detoxification is just to make the decision not to have any more of these injections, no matter how strongly they are being marketed at you. This may cause arguments in your household or with your doctor, but it is becoming increasingly clear that any benefits are outweighed by significant risks for practically everyone, especially those under 50. So adding experimental Covid-19 gene therapy injections to the vaccine schedule is plain profiteering at the expense of lives, period. Even with older adults, there is no evidence that the shots convey any long-term benefits.
What is known is that this spike protein, wherever it originates and whatever its variation, will probably cause the health problems being experienced both from Covid-19 itself and the 'vaccine' injections. It seems to elevate blood coagulation and systemic inflammation. These “spike proteins” are glycoproteins “keys” that bind to ACE2 receptors (locks) on our cells, allowing them, and any payload attached to them, access into our cells. These receptors normally regulate blood pressure, inflammation, and wound healing, but the spike protein has been specifically engineered to use these receptors to gain entry into our cells.
This ability of the spike protein to enter our cells, using the ACE2 doorways, is thought to be what makes this infection so deadly — not only is it damaging to our biological systems, it is also a universal “skeleton key” (in more ways than one) that opens the cellular door to our cellular systems with ACE2 locks, allowing itself and any toxins attached to it entry into our cells.
So whether you have or have had Covid-19, or whether you have had a Covid-19 injection, your body has been flooded with molecular bioweapon skeleton keys — the spike proteins — that have opened your cellular doors to toxins, microbes and other organisms. And the more toxin agents you already have in your system — whether from environmental pollutants, injections or SARS-CoV-2 infection — the more your health is likely to be damaged. This is also why both Covid-19 and the Covid-19 “vaccinates” share so many symptoms and side-effects. They deliver very similar spike protein into your system.
Tissues with the high expression of ACE2 receptors on the surface of their cells include the lungs, heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and the epithelium in the nose, mouth, and lungs. It is therefore these areas that are most affected by the spike protein. What is more, different people have different concentrations of ACE2, with some evidence suggesting that it is higher in those with existing heart, hypertension and diabetic conditions. Also, those who are older than about 50 years are likely to have a significantly worse outcome.
Whatever causes Covid-19 — whether it is the SARS-CoV-2 virus or some other vector — what can be said is that it is artificial. All the evidence seems to point to this infection being the result of extensive gain-of-function research to make it more deadly to humans (yes, you read that correctly — scientists, including American researchers, are doing this type of research right now). That does not mean that our intelligent immune systems cannot develop natural immunity to it — most people seemed to back in 2020 — but being a novel agent presents more of a challenge and some unusual symptoms. So treatment/detoxification has to be persistent. (If Covid-19 is more of a toxic agent rather than a traditionally infectious agent — see further down this page — then there is no natural immunity possible as you can be poisoned by toxic agents multiple times.)
On top of this, the Covid-19 'vaccines' contain other very questionable components: graphene (carbon sheets), nanotechnology, pieces of metal, fibres, parasites and other strange components, which the manufacturers and medical authorities refused to even comment on. As mentioned above, batches also seem to vary, so that some contain higher toxic payloads than others. This makes the Covid-19 shots a game of Russian Roulette — the more times you play, the more likely you are to get damaged.
There was even a case report back in 2021 from Thailand about the ocular-surface erosion in health personnel who were air-exposed to mRNA 'vaccines', giving an indication of their high toxicity to human tissue. (And these agents are injected directly into the body!) So there is no doubt that mRNA shots are highly toxic, and it is anyone's guess as to which components in the jabs are the toxic ones, or whether it is a synergy of multiple toxins. Of course, the manufacturers are staying quiet about the ingredients, and warning sheets that generalty accompany 'vaccine' vials are left blank by the manufacturers.
Excess spike protein in the body, as well as whatever other toxins are associated with Covid-19 infection and/or 'vaccinations', are associated with the following:
- Systemic inflammation — especially in the heart & lungs, leading to heart issues (myocarditis/pericarditis) and respiratory problems. When brain tissue is inflamed, this can lead to severe headaches/migraines. Chronic and systemic inflammation like this leads to exhaustion.
- Immune system dysregulation leading to impairment of T cells and possibly cytokine storm (linked to inflammation in 1 above). The effectiveness of the immune system is reduced by the “vaccine”, raising the likelihood of conditions that are usually kept in check by the immune systems, such as infections, cancer and autoimmune conditions.
- Autoimmune conditions caused by our own cells continually producing poisonous spike proteins that the body keeps trying to attack. Before he recently died, Nobel-winner co-discoverer of HIV, Luc Montagnier, was very concerned about the autoimmune consequences of the the Covid-19 jabs.
- Pulmonary and cardiac embolisms, and strokes from raised blood coagulation (linked to 1 above). Blood clots associated with spike-protein overload can be extensive, and are indicated by raised D-dimer.
- Nervous system issues — this autoimmune damage to the nerves (Guillain-Barre syndrome) is an mRNA injection issue.
- Anaphylaxis — this is an mRNA injection issue where the body goes into an allergic reaction to the vaccine components.
- Exhaustion and shortness of breath — mitochondrial dysfunction is believed to be a big factor in Covid-19, and especially what is termed long-COVID.
- Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders — you can ache all over and find it painful to move about.
- Parasitic infection — this seems to be more of a concern for those having taken the mRNA injections, unless dormant parasites were already in the system.
- Skin issues — as the biggest detox organ, skin issues are a good indicator of excess toxins and poisons in our system.
- Gastrointestinal problems — this includes diarrhoea and general digestive problems, and is linked to the inflammation.
- Problems with epithelial cells in the mouth, nose and throat, leading to dry mouth, mouth ulceration and loss of smell. Taste can also change drastically.
- Loss of appetite — this can also be accompanied with nausea. This is the body's way of triggering autophagy (clearing out damaged cells).
- Psychological issues caused by the spike protein's ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, leading to depression, brain fog and visual disturbances. Also dizziness.
There are other symptoms not covered here, but these are the primary ones associated with spike protein issues, both from environment input and direct injection into our systems. The severity of these symptoms will vary from person to person as our biological systems are all slightly different and because there are, supposedly, multiple strains of SARS-CoV-2 and the variability of the 'vaccine' batches. Also, our age can determine symptom types and severity.
Treatment protocols for Covid-19 itself revolve around safe drugs like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin (anti-bacterial), as well as specific nutritional supplements (zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, quercetin and others). It is important to carefully follow the protocols rather than just to take one or two components of those protocols in amounts specified on the label/box directions. If you do the latter, you are likely not to get much of a result. (This is how governments have tried to suppress these treatments, by showing they don't work in isolation or in low concentrations.)
One of the best Covid-19 treatment protocols out there is by the late and great Dr Zev Vladimir Zelenko:
More recently, information is coming out that multiple snake venoms and conotoxins (from marine snails) have been found in the bodies of those who died of Covid-19. These toxins contain powerful enzymes, such as phospholipse A2, which can cause enormous and rapid damage to the body. Symptoms of those poisoned by them and symptoms of those suffering from Covid-19 seem to be identical: difficulty breathing, blood clotting issues, fever, nausea, exhaustion, diarrhoea, pain, headaches, dizziness, loss of a sense of taste/smell, confusion, hallucinations, etc. Is this a coincidence? The evidence shows that the link has already been made in the academic world. The big question is, if these toxins are behind Covid-19, how did they end up in so many people?
According to Dr Ardis, pharmaceutical manufacturers around the world are making and selling synthetic venoms using genetic engineering, and if a small amount can be introduced to the body, quantities can be amplified by existing E. coli and yeasts. Also, it is possible that genetically-modified E. Coli is being used to deliberately infect humanity. Could these genetically engineered toxins also be present in the mRNA shots as their side-effect symptoms are also identical to venom poisoning?
For more on the venom hypothesis of Covid-19 and Covid-19 'vaccine' damage, check out this interview with Dr Ardis on The Jane Ruby Show:
This link with venom is not a conspiracy theory and has been repeatedly asserted in the medical research literature over the past couple of years. To quote a 2021 paper in Food and Chemical Toxicology: "We have previously presented the potential interaction between SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), due to a 'toxin-like' epitope on the Spike glycoprotein, with homology to a sequence of a snake venom toxin." [emphasis added] So it appears that the spike protein structure is very similar to that found in snake venoms. This could explain how the spike proteins, which are the only substance admitted by the manufacturers to be in the Covid-19 jabs, could be having a venomous effect in the body, and why Covid-19 (spike protein infection), mRNA jabs (spike protein replication in our cells) and venom poisoning all have almost identical symptomatic profiles. And this means that treating Covid-19 and side-effects from Covid-19 mRNA jabs both need to involve anti-venom drugs, supplements and protocols.
What is most concerning about this highly poisonous nature of the spike protein is that the Covid-19 injectables, which turns our own cells into spike protein factories, was rushed through without any long-term or substantive safety studies, and there even appears to have been a bait-and-switch between the product used in the inadequate studies and that distributed to doctors and hospitals around the world. On top of this, governments have given the manufacturers legal indemnity from being sued for injury and death that results from taking them, as is generally the case with vaccines. Emergency use authorisation by governments have allowed the manufacturers to stay silent about the ingredients and the side-effects — as has been mentioned above, they have been putting blank medical inserts in with every 'vaccine' dose, inserts that usually list ingredients and side-effects, so that the doctors giving them do not know what side-effects expect. So 70% of the world's population has been injected with a secret but highly toxic proprietary formula that contains a venomous spike protein-like toxin as well as other undisclosed ingredients. In other words, informed consent was not possible, and this 'vaccine' was pushed, not by science, but by greedy pharma manufacturers, mass-media marketing, and government decree and psyops.
Of course, making the claim that the dangers of the 'vaccines' are due to them being rushed through development for a pandemic situation is to give the manufacturers the benefit of the doubt in terms of mitigating their responsibility for the outcome. But it has to be stated that if these toxins contain all these different identified venoms, then it is difficult to see how manufacturers would not know that injecting this vial of poison into the body would not result in some serious injury and death. If venoms and other highly toxic substances are being used (and it is all over the research literature and so cannot be denied) then it is likely that the 'vaccines' are actually bioweapon being used globally to deliberately poison humanity. It is from this perspective that many believe that Covid-19 vaccination schedules are part of a depopulation agenda supported by the globalist and global NGOs.
Finally, there may also be involvement of cell-tower radiation in this equation. This is easy to dismiss as conspiracy theory if the link is not examined. The evidence for the damage to the body by high-frequency cell-tower radiation is inescapable, but the new 5G even-higher frequency networks are being rolled out without any independent safety assessment. Already there is evidence for weaker signals damaging cell-membrane transport, resulting in increased absorption of infectious and toxic agents. Indeed, it may be no coincidence that the outbreak of Covid-19 was Wuhan, China, which was the first place in the world that had a mass 5G rollout. There are also conjecture that 5G radiation is used as an energy source for the self-assembling nano-technologies that appear to be in the 'vaccines'. There seems to be, however, only anecdotal evidence of this at the moment.
As the shocking side-effects of Covid-19 and Covid-19 'vaccines' are becoming increasingly obvious, even with mainstream media channels still trying to hide this reality, there is growing number of people around the world who regret following the government and medical establishment edicts, and the media spin. The realisation that we have allowed dancing nurses and mendacious doctors to inject lethal 'time-bombs' inside of us is a terrifying stressor, and this is why there is now a huge demand for methods to detox from these 'vaccines' and the Covid-19 bioweapons. So here are some of the best natural ways to detox from Covid-19 or the mRNA injections. The body does have a remarkable capacity to detox under the right conditions and with the right supplements. Detoxes can last just a week or more if you have the fortitude. Here are some recommendations for you to investigate:
- Drink plenty of purified water through the day, helping to flush out toxins. (Obviously avoid alcohol and sugary drinks.) Tap water contains a myriad of toxins and so it is advised to get an effective water filter — reverse osmosis or heavy-weight gravity filter.
- Eat a clean diet (plant-based wholefood diets are ideal), and constrict all daily meals within a 6 or 8 hour eating slot. This allows the body time off from digesting so it can go into “spring-cleaning mode” and focus on eliminating toxins and old cells.
- Take high-doses of Vitamin C every day, ideally choosing a brand that also contains bioflavonoids. Vitamin C is important for supporting immune function, but has also been shown to reduce the severity of venom poisoning.
- Take other antioxidant supplements to mop up free radials produced during cleanses. There are multi-antioxidant complexes around including Curcumin Extract, Quercetin, Selenium, Resveratrol, Beta-carotene, Lycopene, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and Vitamin E.
- Boost your liver detox with Milk Thistle, Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Olive Leaf, Agrimony Extract, Selenium (above too), Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Turmeric. Coffee enemas can also increase glutathione levels.
- Take CDP-Choline to help restore focus and mental clarity when recovering from Covid-19. This supplement is also believed to block the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors which interfers with Covid-19 infection mechanisms.
- Three herbs that have been recommended to us by a leading naturopath (thank you M!) are Mugwort, Thuja, Queen of Medows (Spiraea Ulmaria).
- Do regular light/moderate exercise (nothing too heavy duty). This helps circulation and lymph movement. Ideally, do this in the morning or evening sunlight.
- Take nattokinase/nkcp enzymes (Japanese natto extract) to help clear potential blockages in the vascular system and reduce the risk of blood clots. This is part of detox and prevention.
- Take chlorella, spirulina or KBG which are natural chelators and can help to remove toxins from the gut. For something stronger, you can use an EDTA agent, but these also remove healthy minerals from your body so you can feel quite drained after EDTA chelation. (Best to take minerals or electrolytes after an EDTA detox.)
- Minimise exposure to 5G radiation. This can be more difficult in an urban environment although there are conductive nets you can buy that can be put over a bed or added as curtains to windows. Avoid using Wifi in your home or business by using wires or transmission plugs as much as possible.
- Get plenty of sleep and relaxation. It is important to rest in the evenings and turn off computers and mobiles an hour before bed so that sleep is easy. If you have problems sleeping, try supplementing with melatonin.
- Get rid of your parasites. Do a specialised anti-parasite herbal protocol (wormwood, black walnut, cloves), or, for a faster approach, take relatively safe anti-parasite drugs such as ivermectin, fenbendazole and/or nitazoxanide. [see video]
- Consider short fasts if you know what you are doing. Just one or two days a week can be one of the best ways to clean your system, which is why we often naturally lose our appetites when we are unwell — the body instinctively knows that fasting promotes autophagy and detox. Check out Dr Fung's work [intro video].
- Consider urine therapy as a low-cost practice for reducing venom toxicity and improving overall health. This is not for everyone and many find this too disgusting to even consider. But check out Dr. Group's lecture: short video. It is important to have a clean diet if doing this. For more info, visit Dr Group's urotherapy research site.
Medical protocols to deal with Covid-19 and gene therapy 'vaccine' damage tend to focus on immune system support, anti-coagulation, anti-inflammation, mitochondrial support, and general detoxification. They can involve nutritional supplements as well as tried-and-tested drugs such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, which are believed in this case to help reduce inflammation.
Here are some online sites (in no particular order) worth visiting for more information. We will add more entries as we come across them:
- The Zelenko Protocol: Visit Dr Vladimir Zelenko's website to see his treatment protocol for Covid-19.
- FLCCC Alliance Protocols: The Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) is headed by two leading pulmonary and critical care specialists, Dr Paul Marik and Dr Pierre Kory.
- The Truth for Health patient guide offers an array of professional health advice and treatments.
- World Council For Health has some great info and articles including a Spike Protein Detox Guide by Dr Tess Lawrie.
- - This is a one-stop shop for all your Covid-19 and mRNA “vaccine” recovery protocols, and it also lists doctors and research.
- Dr. Peter McCullough Paper: Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection: paper by Dr Peter McCullough and many other practitioners.
- IppocrateOrg — How to treat Covid-19 — a comprehensive report on the best way to treat Covid-19.
- Ryan N. Cole, MD — Dr Cole is a member of the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists and has some good info on treating Covid-19 "vaccination" damage.
Once you have some idea of treatment protocols, you can look for a practitioner who is happy to responsibly treat
you or your family. A few have the confidence to treat themselves, following treatment protocols, although it is
advised to be monitored by an independent health practitioner. As a general rule, if a health practitioner or clinic
is pro-C19 'vaccination' or boosters in any way, find a more responsible alternative.